List of Drawn Together characters

List of characters appearing in the animated series Drawn Together.


Main characters

Captain Hero

A Sociopathic, chauvinistic, perverted, antiheroic, heteroflexible, and lecherous parody of Superman (and other superheroes), with a visual style taken from the cartoons of Bruce Timm and Max Fleischer. Most of his humor revolves around his perverse sexual tastes, his tendency toward violence, or his stupidity; there is also a running joke in which he is heavily suggested to be pansexual and interested in necrophilia. Among reality TV archetypes, he represents the macho egotist. He is voiced by Jess Harnell. In original artwork before the show's release, Captain Hero wore tights, and his suit was slightly darker in color and had a different symbol on it.[1] Of all the housemates, Captain Hero saw the most character development over the series. In the first season, Hero was a simple character with a fairly minor role on the show; he was introduced in the first episode as simply "another person in the house", and as Harnell puts it, his personality was that of an "overgrown frat guy" whose libido was his main source of humor. Over time, however, he grew considerably more complex; consequently, his role was expanded to the point where he became the most frequently used on the show. "The Other Cousin" was the first episode to focus on Hero, but it was the second season episode "Little Orphan Hero" that proved to be a major turning point for the character. In the episode, Hero, after suffering a nervous breakdown, meets his parents for the first time and sees many long-dormant emotional issues rise to the surface. Subsequent episodes would expand on these developments. By the time of "A Very Special Drawn Together Afterschool Special", it seemed perfectly natural for Hero to be cast in the role of the sensitive and caring (if overly emotional) nurturer. Captain Hero has not been seen doing many activities commonly associated with superheroes. He has a "arch nemesis" who is a parody of Lex Luthor, who just tricks him and no one else into doing chores for him in which Wooldoor commits by saying "what a strange villain". He is able to fly (although many jokes involve him not using that ability or it not working as expected) and punch through walls, laser vision (which he used in very few episodes), and once used his "Hero shield" (which involved using an innocent woman to shield himself from bullets). Despite his questionable abilities as a superhero, the world has seemingly been very dependent on Captain Hero to save the day, as it is a common sight to see news reports on disasters and the comment "Captain Hero, where are you?!" According to Harnell, Hero's most recognizable line is “save yourselves!” When ever there is trouble, he takes off and leaves those who he had left behind to die.

Foxxy Love

A sharp-tongued parody of Valerie Brown from Josie and the Pussycats, she is a promiscuous, mystery-solving musician. Most of her humor revolves around her sexual habits and her unsophisticated or uneducated manner of speech; she is often used to poke fun at black stereotypes, but is the wisest and most far-sighted of all the housemates. Her name is an amalgam of blaxploitation characters Foxy Brown and Christie Love. She has at least two children, Qualmella and Timmy (the circumstances of Timmy's missing status change from episode to episode), as well as a teenaged grandson named Ray-Ray. All were mentioned in a few episodes and were then taken away from her. She was also a member of an all-girl band, the Foxy Five, which consisted of various other female versions of black cartoon characters and is a reference to the "mystery solving" cliche in cartoons. Among reality show archetypes, she represents the sassy black woman, often acting as the voice of reason among the cast members (or "the only one in the house who isn't completely retarded"), though she does have certain issues that spark her fiery temper. She is voiced by Cree Summer. In original artwork before the show's release, Foxxy Love wore a different outfit.[1]


A crazy and homicidal spoof of Pikachu from the Pokémon franchise, who battles using various supernatural powers/abilities and speaks in pseudo-Japanese gibberish (or Japorean, as Ling-Ling's voice Abbey DiGregorio calls it) with English subtitles. Most of his humor revolves around his sociopathic desires or his difficulty assimilating into American culture; he is often used to poke fun at Asian stereotypes. Among reality show archetypes, he represents the culture shocked foreigner. In "Freaks & Greeks", Ling-Ling's father states that Ling-Ling's full name is Ling-Ling Hitler Bin Laden Seacrest. However, according to Executive Producer Bill Freiberger, this is just a gag and not canon. In original artwork before the show's release, Ling-Ling was green and much smaller, similar to Jerry the mouse from Tom and Jerry. In the episode "Super Nanny" it is shown that because Ling-Ling has Asian-like eyes he sees things as a manga instead of normal vision. It was revealed that he had a bad relationship with his battle monster trainer (a parody of Ash Ketchum), who would not allow him a chance to live his dream of becoming a dancer. Ling-Ling's abilities include eye-beams, generating spheres of destructive energy with his hands, growing spines and claws when angered, detaching his tail and using it as a sword, excreting an addictive psychotropic drug from his skin when disappointed, and being able to sew almost anything out of raw materials (high-end sneakers, working televisions, etc.). One of the recurring gags about the "Japorean" language he speaks is that the exclamation "Yoko Ono!!" is used as cursing. In the episode Wooldoor Sockbat's Giggle-Wiggle Funny Tickle Non-Traditional Progressive Multicultural Roundtable!, Ling-Ling is identified as bisexual by a parody of The Terminator.

Princess Clara

A pampered and hyper-religious princess with racist and homophobic tendencies, Princess Clara is a parody of Disney princesses like Ariel from The Little Mermaid and Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Most of her humor revolves around her racism, her gullibility, or her religious fanaticism. Among reality show archetypes, she represents the sheltered rich girl. She is voiced by Tara Strong. According to creators Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, they partially based Clara on Julie Stoffer from The Real World: New Orleans, a Mormon who had little experience dealing with gays or people of other races and who tended to make offensive remarks without realizing it.[2] Originally, while Clara was portrayed as being bigoted (including being a member of the Ku Klux Klan), she never seemed to be genuinely and completely hateful; for example, she seemed to get along with both Foxxy and Xandir despite being racist and homophobic, and acted surprised and confused when they were offended by her behavior, as well as having a brother-sister relationship with Wooldoor. She clashes (and loses) often with Foxxy for her bigotry, though she sees her as one of her best friends, and often Foxxy returns the same feeling, until she makes more racist remarks towards her. However, later episodes have her as harsh, strident, fundamentalist and intolerant; concerned solely with crusading against sinfulness, her desire to quench sin is so strong that she shows no concern for the happiness or well-being of others. In "Foxxy vs. the Board of Education", she vows to stop Spanky's gay marriage to Xandir despite Spanky's life being in danger without the insurance Xandir can provide. In "Clum Babies", she crusades against both Wooldoor's masturbation and the use of the Clum Babies to heal the sick despite the number of lives that are being saved and diseases that are being cured, but ultimately, and hypocritically, disguises herself in an attempt to procure a Clum Baby to cure her tuberculosis. On her behavior in this episode, Executive Producer Bill Freiberger stated, "Clara's attitude about it all is completely in character for her as a character and for her as a symbol of the religious right. She's definitely a meat eater as we've seen in the past. And she's not above killing animals. But she is against harming embryos no matter how much good it will do for the living... unless it benefits her directly, then she's more than willing to be a hypocrite to save her own life." Clara's vagina was originally a tentacled monster due to a curse by her wicked stepmother, but after multiple labioplasties became Joan Rivers, who she likes to expose and allow to talk. Executive Producer Bill Freiberger has stated, when discussing Clara's behavior in "Spelling Applebee's", "While Clara is sometimes misguided out of ignorance or naïveté she is also very often misguided because she is a selfish, spoiled princess (figuratively and literally)." In old artwork before the show's release, Clara was originally drawn as a blonde, with a different dress and a lighter skin tone.[1]
Because of her beliefs and racism, Clara is a frequent recipient of physical violence at the hands of the other housemates. For the most part, Clara is unaware that she is being offensive to others; her beliefs were implanted on her by her father. Throughout the first half of Season Three, Clara begins a dark, downward spiral, reaching her lowest point in "Lost in Parking Space"; believing that the Rapture had come and left her behind, Clara sells her soul to a delivery driver whom she believes to be Satan and dedicates herself to hurting others, ultimately becoming a torturer. However, when she discovers that her first victim is Foxxy, she realizes her mistake and rededicates her life to God, becoming a much kinder and sympathetic individual. In the episode Ghostesses in the Slot Machine, she is revealed to have a strong Electra complex towards her father, originated from him preferring to be with strippers rather than her, which makes her even have simulated lesbian sex with Foxxy in front of him. And in one part of Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! she dies.

Spanky Ham

Also based loosely on the Evil Piggies of the "Little Susie Experiments" and "Evil Piggies Show," his gimmick is that he's "an internet download" and is styled like the Napster logo mascot (though a pig instead of a cat, he has the same geometric shape and distinctive thick lines), as Napster was synonymous with Internet downloads shortly before the show went into production. He also shows some parallels with crude, flash drawn late-night cartoon characters, such as Adult Swim's Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force) and Zorak (Space Ghost Coast to Coast and The Brak Show). Most of his humor revolves around his crudeness. Among reality show archetypes, he represents the crude party animal. He is voiced by Adam Carolla. The creators based Spanky's personality on David "Puck" Rainey from The Real World: San Francisco.[2] During the first few episodes of the series, Spanky was the villain of the show, committing such horrible deeds as making a slave out of Ling-Ling in "Gay Bash", and forcing Wooldoor to trick Clara into singing in "Requiem for a Reality Show" so he could kill and eat all the woodland creatures that inexplicably appeared whenever she did so. However, this role would be altered toward the end of the first season. After bonding with Clara in "Dirty Pranking No. 2", Spanky becomes much more sympathetic; though he continues to bully Wooldoor and make fun of Xandir, his behavior in this regard is more mischievous than malicious. Spanky has gone through character arcs with most of the main cast in order to show his more sympathetic side, such as helping Ling-Ling to drive (initially in his own interests as he was amused at the destruction of Ling-Ling's driving until Ling-Ling became injured, then he became genuinely pleased for Ling-Ling's success), marrying Xandir for his insurance (obviously in his own interest but proposes to Xandir in a meaningful way, distracts Clara peacefully to enable the wedding to continue and genuinely has fun with Xandir before and after needing to pretend they were really married), and being Foxxy's representative in the Spelling Bee circuit (in which he has no obvious self-interest but nonetheless pep-talks her spirits back up and tries his best to break bad news to her in a less-hurtful way, which he does by blowing on her stomach to cheer her before every sentence).

Toot Braunstein

An overweight sex symbol from the 1920's who demands to be the center of attention, cuts herself with razor blades when depressed, and often instigates conflict in the house. She is based on Betty Boop. Most of her humor revolves around her unattractiveness (especially her weight), her gluttony, or her frequent bouts of psychosis and alcoholism. Among reality show archetypes, she is the manipulative bitch, although later evolves into the Dumpy Fat/Unpopular Girl archetype. She is voiced by Tara Strong. According to creators Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, Toot is partially based on Amy Crews from Big Brother 3. Toot's passion for cheese, as well as her tendency to cry and put on weight (from "Requiem for a Reality Show"), come directly from Crews.[2] In an interview on Comedy Central's website, Tara Strong states that Toot is her favorite role in her career.[3] In original artwork before the show's release, Toot had longer hair, a thin waist (with broad hips) and wore a strapless dress.[1]

In the third season, Toot becomes a much more sympathetic character, and her role as the show's mean-spirited character is largely taken over by Clara.

Wooldoor Sockbat

A bizarre children's show character in the mold of SpongeBob SquarePants with many of the typical reality-defying behaviors as seen in the Looney Tunes cartoons and the Tex Avery-directed MGM animated shorts. He is also good friends with Xandir, Spanky, and sometimes Captain Hero. Most of his humor revolves around his childlike innocence, his happy-go-lucky nature, or his general strangeness; he is often used to assume a variety of professions to fit the needs of the scene. Among reality show archetypes, he represents the attention-starved weirdo. Wooldoor is the least mature out of all the main characters, reaching puberty in "Clum Babies"; though it should be noted that Ling-Ling is far younger in actual calendar years, despite being a fully grown individual of his species. He is voiced by James Arnold Taylor. Originally, Wooldoor's role was to have been that of a bipolar drug addict. However, creators Jeser and Silverstein decided to change this when Comedy Central producers protested, noting that the cast's personalities were getting too dark, and they needed a character who was innocent and childlike to contrast with the darker tendencies of the others; though Wooldoor does indeed have a dark side, he rarely shows it. In original artwork for the show, Wooldoor's nose was yellow (like the rest of his skin), and he wore socks with sandals. He was called Wooldoor Jebediah Sockbat by Unusually Flexible Girl. Wooldoor's species were originally described as Whacky Whatchamacallits, but in later seasons were only referenced by their surname of Sockbat. While much of his family was exterminated in a famine-induced holocaust, many other members did eventually survive.

Xandir P. Wifflebottom

A parody of bishōnen video game and cartoon heroes, particularly Link from The Legend of Zelda but with a strong resemblance to Ren from The Pirates of Dark Water. At the start of the first season he often claims to be on "A never-ending quest to save his girlfriend", but in the episode "Gay Bash", along with help from the other housemates, Xandir comes out of the closet and this is often poked fun at by the other males in the house, and criticised by the homophobic Princess Clara. Xandir's girlfriend rejected him, but he found new love with a genie reminiscent of the character Genie from Aladdin, who was promptly kidnapped by Xandir's nemesis Lord Slashstab. Xandir is now officially on a never ending quest to save his boyfriend, but never really seems to do anything about it. It was revealed in Wooldoor Sockbat's Giggle-Wiggle Funny Tickle Non-Traditional Progressive Multicultural Roundtable! that he is from the "gay future" five years from the present, and was sent back in time to protect Wooldoor from the heterosexual Terminator. This contradicts the notion that he was a confused closet gay with a girlfriend when he entered the show.
He later became good friends with Wooldoor. Xandir is extremely sensitive, and easily scared or worried. Among reality show archetypes, he represents the token gay participant. He is voiced by Jack Plotnick. In original artwork before the show's release, Xandir's hair was dark brown and longer, and his skin tone was much darker. He was originally supposed to be a satyr, like the Greek god Pan. The lower half of his body was that of a goat, and he possessed horns as well.[1] Additionally, along with Foxxy, Xandir is often the most sane or reasonable member of the house. He is frequently dismayed and surprised at the bizarre and illogical tangents the other house mates often take (especially Captain Hero, whom he shares an odd relationship based upon Captain Hero's particular mood). When asked for advice, his tends to be most grounded in real-world, useful input. In one episode, Toot found a cheat code manual attached to a PlayStation 2 controller in the attic. When she used it she found that the cheats controlled Xandir. Being a video game character means that Xandir has "multiple lives" so even though he is sometimes killed on the show, he reappears without any damage with a counter flashing above his head indicating the number of lives he has left (although he has 'run out' of lives in some occasions or not shown to respawn after dying. How he is able to collect lives is unexplained). It is revealed in the first episode ("Hot Tub") that Xandir has died more than eight million times, in his attempts to save his former girlfriend.

Recurring characters

The Jew Producer

First appearance: The One Wherein There Is a Big Twist


First appearance: Clara's Dirty Little Secret


First appearance: The Other Cousin

Unusually Flexible Girl

First Appearance: Captain Hero's Marriage Pact


First appearance: The Other Cousin

Relationship with Ling-Ling

Ling-Ling's father made his debut in The Other Cousin. In that episode, Ling-Ling was very disappointed after not receiving a visit from his father, whom he had not seen in a long time. However, Xandir, Toot and Wooldoor felt sorry for the little guy and were able to find Ling-Ling's father for him. Father and son were promptly reunited, only to have Jun-Jee express bitter disappointment at seeing his son's being part of a reality show with "other losers". In Clum Babies, he appeared in the form of an answering machine message, where he informed Ling-Ling of the arranged battle to Ni-Pul. In The Other Cousin, he spoke in Ling-Ling's language, but in each of his subsequent appearances he speaks English. He used to be a great battle monster like Ling-Ling, but eventually retired and started a dry cleaning business, in which he coined the classic phrase "No Ticky, No Washy!". Like Ling-Ling, he secretes a hallucinogenic drug when disappointed.

In the past, Jun-Jee had a tendency to miss important events in his son's life. He also disapproves of Ling-Ling's lifestyle, feeling that Ling-Ling battles too much and needs to settle down and find one monster to battle with. Despite all this, he and his son share an obvious bond with each other.

In Clum Babies, Jun-Jee indicates he is still married to Ling-Ling's mother, but he is single by the time he makes his next appearance in Freaks & Greeks. Whether he is widowed or divorced is not mentioned. In that episode, he falls in love with and marries Toot, though he grows to regret the union once he realizes that she only wants him for his money. The situation also causes a rift between him and Ling-Ling, though this rift is repaired by episode's end. At the end of the episode, after saying that outer space makes Asians gay ("that only explanation for George Takei"), he teleports out in a heart with Hikaru Sulu.


Physically, just like Ling-Ling looks like Pikachu, and Jun-Jee looks like an ancient version of Raichu, the evolved form of Pikachu, indicating that Ling-Ling will one day evolve or grow up into a monster similar to Jun-Jee. He has circle marks on his back, and part of his ear has been bitten off, a possible reference to Splinter, the mentor of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. His fur is wrinkled and he has a Fu Manchu moustache. Unlike Ling-Ling, who appears to have three fingers, it appears that Jun-Jee has four fingers, though this may be associated with evolution. In The Other Cousin, Ling-Ling mentioned attaining "Level Shmah". This may be the level at which he evolves to be more like Jun-Jee, but this is never clarified. Jun-Jee's tail is just like Ling-Ling's, but more like Pikachu. His rough appearance may be due to his many years of battling.

The King

First appearance: Dirty Pranking No. 2

The Sockbats

First appearance: The One Wherein There Is a Big Twist, Part II

Edward Goldberg

Edward Goldberg redirects here. For the marine chemist, see Edward D. Goldberg.

First appearance: Foxxy vs. the Board of Education

Steve from Long Island

First appearance: Clum Babies

Judge Fudge

First appearance: The Lemon-AIDS Walk
